YO4 WOD 5/11/18
Warm up and mobilise - Back squat 1 Rep Max - Wod -Â Rainhill gone bad - 3 rounds AMRAP: 1 minute -Â wall balls 9/7kg 1 minute - kb swings...
YO4 WOD 2/11/18
Warm up and mobilise - Rainhill strength: 1 push press + 2 shoulder to overhead - For time: 12 deadlifts 100/70kg 15 bar over burpees 18...
YO4 WOD 1/11/18
Warm up and mobilise - Snatch - Technique + build to heavy single. - Wod - for time: 50 calories 50 kb swings 24/16kg 50 dB snatch...
YO4 Halloween WOD 31/10/18
Warm up and mobilise - Trick - 10 minute emom - death by squats: Min 1 = 1 front squat Min 2 = 2 front squats Etc... Weight = m 60kg f...
YO4 WOD 30/10/18
Warm up and mobilise - Open workout 18.1 20 minute amrap: 8 toes to bar 10 single arm dB cleans and jerk 22.5/15kg 14 calories - Core...
YO4 WOD 29/10/18
Warm up and mobilise - Deadlift 3 rep max > 3 x 3 @ 90% - Rainhill wod 4 - for time: 600m run 30 cleans 50/30kg 400m run 20 chest to bar...
YO4 WOD 26/10/18
Warm up and mobilise - 5 minute emom: 5 overhead squats - Rest - 5 minute emom: 3 backsquats - Wod - max output - 2 rounds: 1...
YO4 WOD 25/10/18
Warm up and mobilise - 2 push press + 2 push jerk - built to heavy. Superset 5 rounds 8 dB floor press - Wod - 6 rounds for time: 5 hang...
YO4 WOD 24/10/18
Warm Up and Mobilise WOD 1 - In Pairs (16 minute Time Cap) 40 Double Dumbbell Clean (22.5/15kg) 80 Double Dumbbell Deadlift 120...
YO4 WOD 23/10/18
Warm up & mobilise - 4 Rounds for Quality Not Time: 4 Rope Climbs 6 Pull Ups 8 Single Leg Deadlifts 50m Farmers Carry - WOD - 'Cindy'...